ABSDF (All Burma Students’ Democratic Front) Attacking Myanmar Junta Army Positions in Htigyaing township, Katha district, Sagaing region. (Late August) (Music from Source)

Source: CaliRecluse


  1. The ABSDF formed in November 1988, which was 3 months after the 8888 Uprising. Bamar high school and university students armed themselves and allied with ethnic armies (Kachin Independence Army and Karen National Liberation Army) to fight the previous Burmese military juntas. They went into a ceasefire from 2015 to February 1, 2021 after Min Aung Hlaing’s troops usurped the elected civilian government.

    BTW, the machine gun at the beginning is a Burmese clone of the Singapore STK-50 called the MA-16.

  2. Defiant_Feedback_270 on

    also can anyone tell me how the rebels are doing in myanmar? are they making any progress against the government?

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