Unkraine response to the latest Kharkiv attack.

Source: Nurfturf06


  1. It’s becoming Yugoslavia 2.0 where both sides are purposefully killing civilians. 

    Tit for tat war crimes, not saying I can blame Ukraine at this point. 

  2. Smart-Bonus-6589 on

    Wouldn’t be surprised to learn it’s russian arty doing a false flag thingy.

  3. – Note that this MRLS rocket attack was unlikely to be Ukrainian: the location was geolocated to 50.553024,36.579126 within Belgorod, which is ~30 km from the closest Ukrainian-controlled areas.
    – But the Grad system and its NATO equivalents only have a 20 km maximum range:
    – (At maximum range the dispersion of the unguided rockets would also be higher than the one seen in the video.)
    – ~~Furthermore, the rockets arrived from the left (northern) direction – while Ukraine is to the right (southern) direction.~~ Edit: this is wrong.
    – So Ukraine is likely too far away.
    – My guess: these were Russian rockets, either ground launched from a Grad, or air-launched from a helicopter such as the Ka-52.

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