Armenian Survivors of Azerbaijani Drone Strikes in the Karabakh War Show Videos and Describe Their Experiences. (2020)

Source: Quirky_Gift_927


  1. Shouldn’t this trigger article 4 of CSTO? Oh, wait. That’s a fucking joke of an alliance? And Putin is visiting Azerbaijan while their “ally” was attacked by them? No wonder Armenia stopped its participation in CSTO.

  2. PositionDistinct5315 on

    Why not translate Pushka? Sounds cute, means cannon. I see this more and more often, expecially in the gaza conflict. Any interview with palestinians, where the question is raised who did something, they answer with ‘Yahud’, the jews. However, subtitles often (mis?) translate this as the Israëlis. Thoughts?

  3. Title (and the way he talks about it) makes it sound like he wasn’t an Armenian soldier waging war against Azerbaijan. A soldier of an illegal, separatist, Russian-puppet banana republic invading Azerbaijan’s territory, lol. OP made it sound like he was a civilian who was drone striked 💀

  4. I think Russia had been inspired by Azerbaijani air superiority when declaring their 3-day operation

  5. War sucks and I’m sorry for every human loss but Azerbaijan had all the rights to defend itself from invaders.

    They should not have killed the native Azeris and occupied the area in the first place.

  6. slimersupreme on

    Azeris in these comments acting like they weren’t objectively the aggressor in the nagorno-karabakh conflict lmaoo

  7. Alp_guregen61 on

    This is the first time I see a solider that was supposed to kill the other side and take seperatist agression is beefing and complaining to get shot by the otherside. I mean if you are there you already accepted the fate. Nevertless there’s a real thingy called Armenian eyebrown. Srsly hahahahah ,his face is familiar but the eyebrowns are very marginal

  8. GunMetalGrey_ on

    Shouldn’t have invaded internationally recognized territory of your neighbour and ethnically cleanse them 32 years ago

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