Russian Border Guards surrendering after a couple of FPV drone strikes, “Sudza” checkpoint, Kursk oblast, August 2024

Source: BlackMarine


  1. Leather-Major-8381 on

    That’s quite the number of troops surrendering. Good job boys. And see not one murdered after captures. Russians please take notes.

  2. CutRepresentative197 on

    Great! Every single captured russian soldier, conscript or not, reduce the number of killed ukrainian cilvilians and soldiers. Let them taste their own medicine!

    Слава Україні

  3. Is this that unit we saw which was like 30 or 40 guys all lined up at the side of a road ? Makes it pretty clear that Russia is only using untrained and under-equipped units to protect their own towns

  4. DisasterNo1740 on

    Yeah I mean most of those border region garrisons are supposedly gonna be conscripts and younger ones at that. Probably piss poor training mixed with fuck all desire to be there mixed with terrifying FPVs flying above you would convince you pretty quick that this ain’t it.

  5. probably sons of better placed families or higher bribes on recruitment to have a comfy place like border guard and surrender like that. they value their life. good for them

  6. Interesting, i think it’s first time ever i see white flag used to surrender in this war.

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