In the Pokrovsky region, an M1 Abrams tank operates against Russian troops. 47th Mechanized Brigade, Published on August 5, 2024

Source: Hotrico


  1. Not seen many of those lately. Glad they are still finding some use for these tanks.

  2. It’s really good to see that they are paying special attention to covering the Abrams with explosive reactive armor, this can save the tank from a drone attack that usually carries shaped charge warheads

  3. MusicianRemarkable98 on

    They should put a bulldozer blade on the beast like the yanks did in Iraq and fill the trench in.

  4. BluebirdOther8946 on

    These things seem so antiquated now with drones that just place a bomb anywhere. Its like the battleship era coming to an end due the aircraft carriers and subs.

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