Combat operation footage from the outside of a Ukraine M2 Bradley while under fire from Russian artillery and FPV quads.

Source: MilesLongthe3rd


  1. Any idea what the explosion at 0:02 was caused by? It says artillery, but it looks fairly small. Mortar fire maybe? Also, if you go frame by frame, the first frame of the explosion seems more to the right side of the road compared to the firey explodey part in the second frame of the explosion.

    I almost think that it looks more like a mine going off, but if so, that is one lazy mine. **Bradley:** *Hello, I would like to explode please.* **Mine:** *I will be with you in a minute.* **Bradley:** *Uhm, helloooo, I would like to explode please?* **Mine:** *Can’t you see I am on the phone?!?* **Bradley:** *Bugger this, I’m out.* **Mine:** *Oh oh, I see, running away ey?* ****EXPLODE****

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