Biden tells Hill Democrats he ‘declines’ to step aside and says it’s time for party drama ‘to end’



  1. I think this is the fastest speedrun I’ve seen a candidate go from beloved to despised. This is shocking arrogance. His poll numbers are through the floor, there is no path for him to win.

  2. Firm_Bison_2944 on

    Please just retire man. Why would anyone wanna spend the twilightyears of their life doing this shit?

  3. Cool. Talk down to us some more and tell us to ignore what we all saw. That’s going to go over great. But as long as you try your ~~best~~ goodest then I guess it’s all okay.

  4. >He stressed that the party has “one job,” which is to defeat presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump in November.

    YOU have one job……you had one job on that debate stage

  5. InAllThingsBalance on

    Biden thinks it is just an issue between him and Democrats in Congress. It is an issue between him and the voters. No one takes into account what the people want.

  6. I cannot stand this guy anymore. He’s going to lose 40 states and destroy the party with him.

    Trump’s win is all but guaranteed now.

  7. ttv_highvoltage on

    OK. Fine with me. But he better show those who’ve lost all faith in him why he’s still the best choice for president, because as long as public opinion is dominated by that debate performance, he’s screwing everyone over by staying in the race.

  8. xXplainawesomeXx on

    Ok then people will just “decline” to vote, and we’ll end up with a second Trump term, without any guardrails this time around. It’ll be OK tho because according to this old fucker, all that matters in the end is that he tried his hardest.

  9. TrisolaranPrinceps on

    We now have the choice of voting for an old man that will accidentally drive his car through the mall….or the old man that will do it on purpose.

    Maybe time to use that 25th Amendment thing.

  10. “It’s time to come together”

    Translation: Do as I say or there will be consequences for you.

  11. The-Real-Number-One on

    He could end it by walking downstairs to the press briefing room and answering questions coherently for an hour.

  12. CaptainNoBoat on

    >“Any weakening of resolve or lack of clarity about the task ahead only helps Trump and hurts us.

    Bro, 75% of voters, 82% of independents, and 56% of Democrats *want you to step aside*. Your approval rating is 36%. Your own party leadership is trying to toss you.

    Donald Trump, who should be an easy opponent, is polling *12 points better* in head to heads against you 4 years later – after an insurrection and a conviction for felonies.

    Despite all this, there is no plan. No 2-hour town halls planned, no energetic, no-holds-barred comeback story coming that he desperately needs to do.

    I think the time to avert “weakened resolve” has passed. Voters are completely done.

    I defended Biden for 4 years, but now he just comes off as arrogant – and worse, someone whose legacy will be handing Trump an election on a silver platter.

  13. CocoaOrinoco on

    The hubris. There are many people counting on Trump not being President. Biden should stuff his ego, stand aside, and let someone more likely to win run.

  14. donkeybrisket on

    Ok boomer. Time to force him out. Fuck the GOP it is beyond time for this

  15. If Joe is on the ballot I’ll vote for him if he’s on a fucking gurney.
    He shouldn’t be on the ballot and if he fails he’s is responsible for the end of America. This fucking arrogance is sickening. I thought Trump was supposed to be the “it’s all about ME candidate…”

  16. profitsprofitsprofit on

    Old men tend to be the last to realise their age is impacting their ability to do things.

    It’s a similar situation to telling an older person not to drive anymore. Although, the stakes here will impact the entire world.

  17. At this point I am simply resigning myself to a second Trump term.

    Be it Al Gore, or Hillary, or now Biden Dems always manage to screw themselves over when the stakes are the highest.

  18. Ok-disaster2022 on

    Usually you see this kind of ostriching in dictators surrounded by yes-men.

  19. elconquistador1985 on

    Is he going to hold on-the-fly events to prove he isn’t sundowning? Because if he’s not, he’s not committed to shit.

  20. Level_Ruin_9729 on

    Republicans think they have the best chance against Biden. No Republican is calling for the use of the 25th Amendment.

  21. GuitarGeezer on

    Thats the facts jack, just go with the flow. People act like they can do any different. Nope. Too close to election, no way to change course unless he backs it. Just gotta hope people can figure out the dictator wannabe crook is worse than anybody else who can walk and talk at all. And he isn’t that bad at this point and isnt being unreasonable. Imho he would not dig in in a bid to stay in power and might well resign if he deteriorates after winning at some point. I think this simply because the only reason he ever unretired was Trump as an election threat but we know 100% chance trump wont ever go voluntarily at all.

  22. catharticargument on

    Reading his letter to House Dems…say what you will about this whole situation, but the whole “there was a primary, actually!” thing shows you what little respect the Biden team has for his own voter’s intelligence. Just not an argument being made in good faith.

  23. Man this is just insane how quick he’s tanked his reputation. Stop fucking around already

  24. Frosty_Age8510 on

    No thanks. I called all my reps over the weekend and told them if Biden doesn’t go, I will never vote for the Dems ever again. That was a lie, I’ll vote for them like my life depends on it, but I wanted them to get the message.

  25. inside_out_boy on

    Once again party in-fighting is focused entirely on the party and not the constituents all it reminds me of is, “the Dems would rather lose with Hillary than win with Bernie.”

    Edit: sp

  26. daveedo_bandito on

    I gotta be honest, the Biden doing an interview on Morning Joe right now sounds a hell of a lot better than the Biden in that interview on the 5th, and light years ahead of what ever happened on that debate night. He needs to do THAT more often. He needs to get pissed, he needs to point out how fucking terrible Trump is. If he’s not going anywhere (which it sounds like he’s not) then *this* version of Biden better be the one that shows up all the way through the election.

  27. nocountryforcoldham on

    Dude you’re going to lose the election and the whole fucking world goes boom. Gtfo

  28. showcasefloyd on

    He really doesn’t get it. It’s time to step away man. Exit gracefully and let someone else do this.

  29. NYT: “The president, on “Morning Joe,” said he was “so frustrated by the elites” in the Democratic Party who believe he should drop out of the race. He issued a challenge to Democrats who think he should withdraw: “Run against me. Announce for president. Challenge me at the convention.”

    Translation: “I refuse to drop out! I’m a career politician who served more years in the senate than most people have been alive, but it’s the ELITES who are wrong! To prove how tough I am, I challenge you to run at the convention (where a majority of delegates are already legally bound to me after having never been offered a choice!)”

  30. skyisblue22 on

    The party should have had actual primaries.

    And/or Biden should have just honored his agreement to be a one-term President

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