Marjorie Taylor Greene Botches Basic American History In Most Humiliating Way |
The conspiracy theorist lawmaker was schooled on social media after getting simple details badly wrong.

Source: Murky-Site7468


  1. giga_phantom on

    Could any of this all be just an act to stay in the news? Keep thinking nobody can be this humiliating in public…unless it was all an act to stay in the news, stay in spotlight

  2. Sunshinehappyfeet on

    Clueless Marg strikes again.

    Greene said she was “sick and tired of the stupid people in Washington”

  3. She has to be doing this on purpose. It’s performance art like Andy Kauffman. 

  4. joethejeeper on

    Oh wow, people are just learning now that this representative is very uneducated. Apparently, saying really dumb things in public is acceptable.

  5. DifficultSelf147 on

    Is she really this dumb or is this an “any press is good press” moment? Like what else dropped yesterday that we are missing?

    I know saying this is giving her a lot of credit, but the worst thing we can do is underestimate opposition.

  6. TheBatmanIRL on

    Like it matters, she isnt voted in for her intelligence or historical knowledge.

  7. huhwhatnogoaway on

    What’s absolutely worse is that the same device she used to be so very wrong (and stupid) could have been used to actually look up the list of the signers in mere moments.

  8. almost_notterrible on

    Some people really are as stupid as they look. And that’s saying something here..

  9. TurbulentBlock7290 on

    They know it’s wrong, we waste time trying to educate or correct these Neanderthals, rather than sell our ideas or talk to our people. Ignore them, focus on getting the youth vote. Focus on getting people to the polls. They’re time hoarders.

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