The promise was to reduce the price of power by $275 *below the pre-election price* by 2025. The Default Market Offer covering the period up to July of 2025 has already been released. We know the promise is broken.

Even if you somehow think every retailer will just ignore the Default Market Offer, they would need to reduce the price by over $1000 between now and 2025.

But again, the Default Market Offer determines the reference price. That is the benchmark against which prices are assessed.

Why are we accepting this from the ABC?

Source: Soft-Butterfly7532


  1. The answer to your question is literally in the link you’ve provided. 2023-05-19

    They haven’t updated it since it was published well over a year ago.

  2. I’ll probably get downvoted, but…

    That “promise” was one of the only tangible and loudly promoted ones that Albanese made in the last election. It’s also the one that was most likely to be broken, because the Federal Government doesn’t control electricity prices at that level.

    The ABC hasn’t updated it, because they don’t want to say that such a clear promise was broken.

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