Footage shows: Hamas terrorists beat hungry Gazans for ‘stealing’ aid

Source: NamelessForce


  1. NamelessForce on

    >Members of the Hamas terrorist organization beat Gazans near a humanitarian aid site after claiming they stole food from an aid warehouse, according to a post on X, formally known as Twitter, by IDF Arabic Spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Avichay Adraee.

    >The post contained graphic footage showing Hamas terrorists violently beating Gazan civilians and spray painting the word “thief” on one of their backs.

    >The terrorists can be seen wearing masks that cover their faces as they hit the tied-up and blindfolded civilians with sticks. The civilians can be heard yelling in pain.

    >In the post, Adraee slammed Hamas’s actions and wrote, “Do you know who these masked people are? Who are their victims? The masked human monsters are part of Hamas, and the victims are innocent young men.”

    >Adraee explained that the men tried to take back the aid that was stolen from them by Hamas and did so because “they were hungry.”

  2. Gaza aid piles up amid dispute over whether aid workers can carry radios, security gear
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    Cumbersome process and ‘arbitrary’ Israeli inspections slow aid delivery into Gaza, US senators say
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  3. StanktheGreat on

    It’s such a shame that massive amounts of aid are going into Gaza and so little is making it to actual Gazans. Hamas is a plague on humanity.

  4. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how much Hamas care for the Palestinians.

  5. Gazans, string up all of those Hamas terrorists and put in a government dedicated to a peaceful two-state solution with Israel and I guarantee it will happen.

  6. Instead of commenting some joke about how could Israel do this or other quip I just wanna say that this is actually really fucking sad to see. Beaten for trying to get food and aid that was rightfully yours to begin with but was stolen by your terrorist government. Awful for these people just trying to survive. Hamas are a special kind of hateful and cruel and more reason that they shouldn’t govern Gaza any longer.

    No matter what goes on in this conflict these people don’t deserve to live like this. I hope these Hamas fools get a rude awakening soon.

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