Trump’s Far-Right Army Is Threatening Bloodshed. Believe Them.

Source: Streona


  1. Mike_Pences_Mother on

    No matter what happens on November 5, I fear the worst. And, in the end, I think the Supreme Court will rule for Trump on some bullshit that puts him back in the presidency even if he gets his ass kicked.

  2. Gold-Invite-3212 on

    It’s eerie how similar the game plan is to the Nazi rise in the 1920s and 30s. We are moving into the “assault political rivals and intimidate opponents into silence” phase. 

  3. PeopleB4Profit on

    If any elected dem needed John Roberts to say this out loud they need to be removed. Since the Koch Tea Party introduced violence to politics this has been coming. NOT a thing done about it! WHY? WHY are we not demanding answers?

  4. GraveyardGuardian on

    If the cops weren’t all in league with them, then I’d say “good.”

    Because all those trigger-happy fucks would be gearing up and champing at the bit to get an opportunity

    If a non-white, non-them crowd was there on the 6th, they’d have opened fire so fast or at least beaten the ever-living shit out of some people

  5. People don’t ultimately win by being willing to kill for their cause, people ultimately win by being willing to die for their cause.

  6. LegislativeLariat on

    There has already been a slew of “lone wolves” since Trump burst onto the scene. They’re not threatening bloodshed. They’re threatening to continue and escalate the bloodshed.

  7. Charming-Choice8167 on

    I’m guessing there won’t be any riots this summer with everyone scared of violent defense from property owners.

  8. SuperGenius9800 on

    Just like the Obama years. Are they going to occupy another rest stop?

  9. Putin’s propganda machine is elite, and were all fucking idiots for falling for it.

  10. WhereWereUChilds on

    I hope Biden has them all arrested and executed since he’s president he’s above the law now and can do anything he wants. I hope Biden stays forever as King

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