Keir Starmer Becomes UK’s New Prime Minister. What Does It Mean for Ukraine?

Source: UNITED24Media


  1. Shadow Foreign Secretary David Lammy and Shadow Defence Secretary John Healey travelled to Kyiv last month to assure their counterparts there that a U.K. Labour government would be fully committed to Ukraine’s war efforts.

  2. ibloodylovecider on

    It means nothing, it means we stand with you and will remain with you, until the end. Sir Keir Starmer is a good and decent man. Not a political issue for us. Слава Україні! 🇬🇧💙🇺🇦

  3. Not a labour fan, but with the current leadership it doesn´t seem to be a problem.

    The labour previous leadership (Corbyn) was indeed a problem, but this new guy is not a puppet from KGB times

  4. ConradsMusicalTeeth on

    It mainly means you’ll have a taller chap visiting as we continue to support our dear friends.

  5. Western_Spirit392 on

    We are not going anywhere. Ukraine are our friends, and we will not abandon them. Remember Farage fucked up the moment he spouted the Kremlin line. He got a backlash for that. We will be with them for their victory and rebuilding. Ukraine is the front line and anyone that’s hasn’t cottoned on yet needs to wake up

  6. This Labour party has broadly won on a policy of ‘not being the Tories’, but they’re acutely aware that lessening support for Ukraine will make the UK look (even) weaker on the world stage, and also mean the end of their political careers.

  7. MrSierra125 on

    No change whatsoever. The British support of Ukriane is down to the great British public not down to the tories nor Boris.

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