Canada’s unemployment rate rose to 6.4 per cent in June

Source: Difficult-Yam-1347


  1. uselesspoliticalhack on

    If only we could raise immigration even higher, that would solve our problems.

  2. blondereckoning on

    The most concerning part is that it should’ve dropped due to all the full-time student/seasonal jobs. Yikes.

  3. Difficult-Yam-1347 on

    The Unemployment rate [was 4.8% in July of 2022.]( Two years later, and 2.2+ million people later, it is 6.4%

    Imagine a government hating its own people this much.

    [YoY public sector employees are up 4.3% Private? 0.8%? ]( isn’t good[ when the government increases the population by 3.2%. ](

  4. Daveschultzhammer on

    So more people, less jobs, no housing. This is Trudeau and Freeland working hard for Canadians. Got it.

  5. In Toronto it’s 8 percent. The real figure is probably much higher sadly. What an absolute disaster..

  6. Is the “labour shortage” in the room with us right now, Mr. Prime Minister?

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