Supreme Court’s weakening of public corruption safeguards sparks alarm

Source: Sanlear


  1. JustAnotherYouMe on

    > Experts say the Supreme Court’s decision last week in Snyder v. United States, which narrowed the scope of what can be considered an illegal gratuity to a government official, could make it tougher to prosecute federal officials for accepting bribes. It also may give ammo to embattled Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), who is on trial on bribery charges in New York.

    Corrupt assholes like Trump and Menendez should be in prison. SCOTUS is a JOKE

  2. Sunshinehappyfeet on

    Sparks alarm? The damn house is on fire and all we can do is watch it burn.

  3. SeegsonSynthetics on

    The six MAGA cultists in the SCOTUS need to be forcibly removed from their thrones and thrown into Guantanamo.

  4. truthishardtohear on

    That happened years ago with Citizens United. This latest ruling just expands on that moronic ruling.

  5. PeopleB4Profit on

    Why is everyone acting like this is new. The alarm went off 1/10/2010 when the corrupt republicans on the Supreme Court placed our government in Escrow for some of the most horrible people on the planet, in the Citizens United Decision. On 1/27/10 during his State of the Union Address, President Obama made a LOUD CALL, stating the corruption of the Citizens United decision, the court and demanded legislation to prevent 7/1/24!

    Since then:
    The Republican Party, led by a Cabal of wealthy donors have been steadily rolling back rights and are ready to destroy American Democracy as we know with Project 2025 (which dems seem to be just learning about, another dem issue). It will be bloodless if we HEEL! (and the motherfucker that said that is still free!)
    The Democratic Party, has cried for years, obstruction from pugs, cannot git anything done wahhh. Never once seriously address the corruption of Citizens United. They normalized the republican party starting 1/7/2021 instead of reminding America every day of the treason of 1/6/21 but nothing, Midterms should have been a blowout for dems. April 2023, Dominion Voting v Fox decision, MURDOCH and Fox Personalities all under oath told the horrible story of deception and how they actively told the LIE, knew it was a lie, the things they say about trump and viewers disgusting. On your radio and tv did you hear all the announcements; “this should be a PUBLIC SERVICE message, Rubert Murdoch and Fox personalities are purposely lying to Americans for political favor. They are major source of American Division….) something anything but NOTHING.

    I do not care about all the money for all the liberal causes, all the legislation for liberal causes! The next pug will reverse all legislation and continue to destroy democracy. If these treasonous supreme court justices and donors are able to continue, we are DOOMED. Now dems, go save LGBTQ rights and git back Abortion rights you allowed to be taken from us.

    Go listen to President Obama’s 1/27/10 State of the Union (45 mins in he starts talking about republican destruction and Citizens United. Watch Joe right behind him. NOTHING!

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