Usman Khawaja lays into ‘disgraceful’ Dutton comments

Source: Leland-Gaunt-


  1. Significant-Range987 on

    I don’t think we should read too much into anything this bloke says

  2. I’m sure we’re all turning to cricketers for moral and social guidance.

  3. Salty_Jocks on

    Not sure what Usman is on about. The Teals have changed the fabric of politics so why wouldn’t a few Independant’s elected on a Muslim religious ticket do the same?

    To call it Islamophobia is the actual disgrace here Usman, as it clearly isn’t. I wonder what he would say if an independent of the Jewish persuasion was running in his electorate?

  4. Jackson2615 on

    Maybe when Usman is sponsoring a gay mens cricket team and promoting same sex marriage & relationships, then we MIGHT be bothered to listen to him. Until then stick to cricket mate.

  5. pisstakeallways on

    A stern “no comment” when asked about his piece of shit brother lol stick to cricket…

  6. I’m slamming Usman right now for thinking his people are a protected species. Go back to Pakistan, we don’t need you.

  7. Cricketer with delusions of grandeur, generally not something you’d associate with Aussie players.

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