EU slaps tariffs of up to 38% on Chinese electric vehicles

Source: donutloop


  1. That’s not that bad really, especially when you factor in how they are abusing the “developing economy” status to get preferential treatment.

  2. Imaginary-Bother6822 on

    That’s so less. Actually. BYD cheapest is 25k EU. They should tax them further with more cheaper products coming to play now

  3. EconomicRegret on

    Chinese companies are heavily subsidized, making their pricing predatory (i.e. sold at prices below costs of production; which is illegal), and thus destroying non-Chinese jobs, companies and even entire industries. In these circumstances, protecting your economy is the right thing to do.

    But there’s also tons of hypocrisy, because, since the early 1980s, the West has been forcing African countries to keep their borders open to heavily subsidized goods and services. Which killed important industries, causing widespread unemployment.

    (e.g. in only the textile industry, Kenya lost over 500k jobs, 95%, in less than 10 years, when the West forced it to accept 2nd hand clothing; in most African countries, it’s much cheaper to buy heavily subsidized Western food, such as chicken, corn, and milk, than native ones.)

  4. Its such weird thing to do. Car manufacturers hate this. Customers hate it. Voters hate it. China hates it. Tesla hates it. I don’t get what benefit it has and who wants this. Every CEO of every American or European car company came out publicly against it. Also why is substituting electric vehicles on a federal level bad. I thought we would care about getting co2 neutral.
    The EU should do the same. It’s insanely wierd. I don’t get why it’s now a good idea to start a trade war with China everybody looses. Especially the environment and the customers

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