Senator Fatima Payman charging taxpayers $310 a night in travel expenses to stay at her own $450,000 Canberra investment property

Source: Forsaken-Duck-8142


  1. Canadian_bakcon on

    So she’s a lying cheat… this is the type that feels driven to rule over others.

  2. Open_Mortgage_4645 on

    FFS, get these corrupt frauds out of elected office! It doesn’t matter which side they’re on because they hurt us all regardless of their political affiliations. Corruption has become so rampant across all three branches of government that I fear we’re becoming desensitized and blasé about it. We’re killing ourselves.

  3. _SpicyMeatball on

    They’re all representing themselves, their own interests, always.

  4. blenderbender44 on

    Can someone explain how this is bad? What’s wrong with operating a $310 airbnb out of an investment property ?

  5. AnonymousEngineer_ on

    While Senator Payman has been all over the news for crossing the floor against her own party in a motion regarding Palestine (against party convention) and subsequently quitting the party altogether – this is character assassination.

    It’s well known that MPs of all flavours have been doing this for a long time with Canberra properties away from their electorates where politicians typically live. Whether or not I personally agree with Senator Payman’s politics doesn’t change that.

  6. CalmingWallaby on

    Why is this a problem? If she stayed in a hotel she would be allowed to expense it, if she is staying in her property it means she isn’t renting it out

  7. Remember race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, etc. are a smokescreen. The ruling class is unified, while we are made divided. A politician that looks like you is still not your friend.

  8. Whole_Pain_7432 on

    Lol so in other words she stayed at home and pocketed her per diem like every one of you would

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