Republicans are out to destroy America. Is that good for the economy?

Source: Longjumping-Path3811


  1. Longjumping-Path3811 on

    > And so I come full circle on this response and just want to encourage you with some substance that we are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.

    Let me guess “this isn’t the republicans” even though it is their think tank. “Trump didn’t say he’d do this” k

    I’m just sick of this bullshit from the right and so should everyone fucking else. Read about project 2025. Look at what they did to our supreme Court. Fuck we won’t even HAVE an economy to argue about soon with these people!

  2. a_little_hazel_nuts on

    I’m not sure what the average republican voter thinks they’re fighting for. Republicans are attacking the poor, elderly, veterans, immigrants, LGBTQ+, public schools, and disabled. So if they win, all those people are not part of the economy. What does that look like? This is insane.

  3. Can the us just be a one party state at this point? You guys know eventually we’re gonna be a one party state.

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