Moment lesbian couple are beaten by mob in ‘homophobic attack’ on night out

Source: yimmy51


  1. Charizard3535 on

    We need to have a serious non partisan discussion about how high immigration rates are changing our country. This is a legitimate problem beyond political parties and really tearing at the fabric of Canadian ideology. It actually makes me angry seeing people on the left who are supposed to be socially progressive pandering to archaic religions just to prove how progressive they are. This whole we can’t criticize religion because it’s phobic is absolutely absurd and ridiculous. Not every criticism is wrong and some ideologies need to to be criticized.    

    Women are taking the brunt of the consequences and as seen in france they can be driven far right. Turns out women don’t want to be attacked in public by rabid misogynist who think God gives them the right to degrade women.

    Even the simple idea of getting 72 virgin women in heaven is just obscenely offensive and disgusting. Like first off why do you need 72 women. Secondly why do they have to be virgins. Third why are they your prize. How can any competent rational person look at this and think it’s normal or ok to have in a civilized society.

  2. DannyBoy001 on

    Hey look!

    A second post about the same story that was already removed, and once again, it’s a non-Canadian source.

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