Google Search Ranks AI Spam Above Original Reporting in News Results

Source: aaronalligator


  1. Google search has become completely unusable. It stopped being a search engine some time ago, now it’s an Ad engine full of AI generated useless websites.

    You need to use Co-Pilot or some gpt based LLM to get a straight answer to a simple question. Even bing is better..

  2. SnoopsBadunkadunk on

    At some point all the ensh!ttified automated systems get so worthless, we’ll resort to human-curated lists of known human-written articles. They’ll call it Organic News.

  3. The AI shit is insane. Like if you Google how to care for a plant it’s all mass produced AI garbage that’s straight up wrong.

  4. Ok_Possible_2260 on

    Original content? That’s amusing! Instead of trolls and word spinners creating shitty content, machines are generating content that’s better written. A lot of the content on the internet is worthless.

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