Justin Trudeau calls Liberal MPs amid pressure to quit

Source: Feedmepi314

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  1. EarthWarping on

    Here’s some interesting tidbits from the article:

    >On Tuesday, a Liberal MP told the Star that Trudeau should resign, and that “most” caucus colleagues agree it’s time for the leader to step down.

    >“If the prime minister cares about those important legacy items then he would step aside and give someone else a chance that can actually beat the Conservatives and ensure the continuation of child care, dental care, pharmacare,” said the MP, who agreed to speak on condition they aren’t identified, but isn’t Long.

    >One senior government source said it does not seem that a majority of caucus members are demanding Trudeau quit. However, a second senior official said only that the prime minister and advisers in his office have had many conversations in recent days, with more planned, while declining to say how those conversations are going or what might happen next.

    > Instead, a majority wanted their views conveyed at a meeting of the national caucus executive, made up of MPs who represent groups of politicians from different regions.

    >Instead, Gerretsen said the party needs some “genuine self-reflection” on its political strategy, like how it communicates its policies. He, too, rejected the suggestion that most of the sitting caucus want Trudeau to go.

    >“I certainly don’t think it’s anywhere near the majority of caucus,” Gerretsen said, adding that Liberals “don’t just throw out” their leader after a challenging political stretch.

    >“That’s what Conservatives do,” he said.

    >In recent days, Calgary Liberal MP George Chahal sent a letter by email to other Liberal MPs that called for an urgent national caucus meeting to give “immediate attention” to the byelection loss.
    Chahal’s email claimed there was a “clear consensus” in caucus that they must have a “national discussion” about improving how the party and government serve Canadians. He has not responded to the Star’s requests for comment.

    >But the same MP who told the Star Tuesday that Trudeau must resign said such a meeting would be futile, since Trudeau “would say some cliché at the end, like our caucus meetings always finish with him kind of trying to rally the troops.”

    >Part of the problem, the MP said, is Trudeau’s lack of humility and inability to own up to his missteps — including his commitment to stay on as Liberal leader in the wake of last week’s byelection loss.

    >“Here’s a prime minister who does not enjoy the confidence of, we believe anyway, the majority of the caucus, is going through a really difficult time, certainly in terms of polling, and now he has MPs calling for his resignation,” the MP said.

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