Lebanese FM to Israel: We are interested in peace

Source: itseytan


  1. origami_anarchist on

    If the Lebanese Foreign Minister isn’t speaking for Hezbollah, which I’m pretty sure he’s not, it’s completely irrelevant what he wants. The Lebanese government has no power of Hezbollah, hasn’t had any power to compel Hezbollah for decades now.

  2. I don’t really understand why these Islamic parties become so extreme after they have their own armed forces. Shia Muslims have a history of thousands of years. How can Hezbollah represent all Shia Muslims in Lebanon? Perhaps the UN only need to deprive Hezbollah of all its weapons and let them learn how to solve problems in parliament in order to make Lebanon peaceful.

  3. Then help take out Hezbollah (or at least keep them away from the border) as previous agreements said you would do. If this comes with an idea of long term peace and an agreement to work together against Hamas, great.

  4. SuckMyCookReddit on

    Put a leash on your own terrorist groups or Israel will do it for you. 

  5. CabanyalCanyamelar on

    Yes I’m interested in a pizza for dinner. Perhaps some sushi. I’m interested in things all the time. But now you gotta make a fuckin decision, pal

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