The government of Cuba declares itself in a ‘war-time economy’

Source: Logibenq


  1. dontt0uchmyass on

    Who in the world are they going to war with? The fish?

    After reading: Yup. Nailed.

  2. tomato_frappe on

    A small country that has had to reach out for help for most of it’s post-colonial history but maintained an enviable culture and music, while having nearly four times as many doctors per capita as the US, which has the highest health care cost in the world. Give those fucking people a break, they aren’t going to war with anyone but death by starvation.

  3. HarmoniousPolitics on

    Dang communist should make em the 52 state after Rico show them the bliss of democracy and capitalism

  4. I mean it’s pretty optimal for them – it’s only 20% consumer goods factories! They are communist so it’s meta

  5. Choice__Technician on

    >Exports: The top exports of Cuba are Rolled Tobacco ($275M), Nickel Mattes ($163M), Zinc Ore ($127M), Hard Liquor ($102M), and Raw Sugar ($67.2M), exporting mostly to China ($426M), Spain ($139M), Germany ($58.5M), Portugal ($43.3M), and Switzerland ($41.4M).

    >Imports: The top imports of Cuba are Poultry Meat ($365M), Concentrated Milk ($115M), Soybean Oil ($108M), Corn ($105M), and Wheat ($102M), importing mostly from Spain ($812M), China ($404M), United States ($341M), Brazil ($290M), and Netherlands ($225M).

    Pure mismanagement

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