US set to announce over $2.3 bln arms package for Ukraine, Pentagon says

Source: Enchant3dCutie


  1. Adventurous_Bit1325 on

    Some people just don’t understand how arms packages work.
    Think of it like this: I have some extra food in my fridge that is getting old. If I know of someone in need, I can give it to them or I can throw it away when it’s no longer good. My cost (other than opportunity cost) is minimal.
    The cost of keeping and destroying old arms is significant. Might as well give it to someone in need.

  2. Condition_0ne on

    I hope the US continues to send a lot of old weapons over the next few months, because if Trump wins, he’ll do what his daddy Putin tells him to and immediately cut all that off.

    It amazes me that people can be fooled into thinking Trump is a “strong man” when he’s obviously a huge bitch as far as Putin is concerned. Kompromat works, I guess.

  3. Country that’s about to ban leftism gives more money to country that’s already done that.

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