16 Nobel-Prize Economists Say ‘Joe Biden’s Economic Agenda Is Vastly Superior to Donald Trump’

Source: wubbalubbadubdub9195


  1. Jacked-to-the-wits on

    If (when) Biden loses, he will have nobody to blame but himself. The same sensible policies could very easily be enacted by someone who can speak in complete sentences.

  2. 13hockeyguy on

    In other news, 16 nobel prize economists are garbage shills for the corrupt establishment.

  3. Terminal-Earth on

    The agenda that continues to hollow out the middle class irrespective of who is in office. 

    Alien vs Predator tagline: “No matter who wins, we all lose”.

  4. Careless-Pin-2852 on

    To be fair 1890s tariffs would be a shit show for us and the planet.

    I know lots of China hawks are here, but the last 45 years of free trade with China and others has lifted millions out of poverty.

    And to Chinese agents yea China deserves credit too for doing the deal.

    Biden will target 1-2 strategic industries maybe he will go too far or not far enough. But Trump will bring 1890s inflation or import 100 million people to do the work we out source.

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