Canada ‘sleepwalking’ into cashless society, consumer advocates warn

Source: ubcstaffer123


  1. WeirdGuyOnTheTrain on

    >Only 10 per cent of transactions in Canada today are done using cash, according to Carlos Castiblanco, an economist with the group Option Consommateurs.

    >A recent online poll of some 1,500 people commissioned by a different group, Payments Canada, found that a majority of respondents were worried about the prospect of cashless stores and want to maintain the option to use cash — which is free from bank fees, isn’t susceptible to privacy breaches and can be used during internet outages.

    Kinda funny how everyone wants to still pay in cash, yet it seems like very few of us actually do.

  2. You can still pay on your card even without Internet. Granted most cards aren’t embossed anymore, you can still take down card info and prices it when the Internet is up

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