Hamas terrorist executes partygoer on Oct. 7 after begging for her life

Source: Galileo1609


  1. The partygoers flee back in the direction of the main road, pursued by one of the terrorists.

    At 00:16 of the clip, we can see the terrorist appears to catch one of the girls by her hair. As she struggles to free herself, he shoots her at point blank range and executes her.

    Her friend, seeing this, freezes in fear and crouches to the ground, begging for mercy.

    At 00:24, the terrorist fires over the girl’s head at others who are fleeing.

    The terrorist stands over the girl for several moments as she begs, before executing her in cold blood at 00:41.

  2. What a world we live in, even in 2023. Where this type of massacre can happen without security forces being present in reasonable time. Israel’s failed security measures cost these poor lives. Hamas is a terrorist group literally located next to your country. How do you not have better defensive capabilities? What a shame.

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