How a simple circuit could offer an alternative to energy-intensive GPUs

Source: techreview

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  1. **From the article:**

    On a table in his lab at the University of Pennsylvania, physicist Sam Dillavou has connected an array of breadboards via a web of brightly colored wires. The setup looks like a DIY home electronics project—and not a particularly elegant one. But this unassuming assembly, which contains 32 variable resistors, can learn to sort data like a machine-learning model.

    While its current capability is rudimentary, the hope is that the prototype will offer a low-power alternative to the energy-guzzling graphical processing unit (GPU) chips widely used in machine learning. 

    “Each resistor is simple and kind of meaningless on its own,” says Dillavou. “But when you put them in a network, you can train them to do a variety of things.”

    The computing industry faces an existential challenge as it strives to deliver ever more powerful machines. Between 2012 and 2018, the computing power required for cutting-edge AI models increased 300,000-fold. Today, training a large language model takes the same amount of energy as the annual consumption of more than a hundred US homes. That’s a problem. But this creative new approach could be a solution.

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