Hi all,

I’m a current senior in university working on an economics honors thesis that involves CAISO’s nodes. An important part I need is location data for the APnodes, even just a city would work for what I am doing.

I’ve tried talking to CAISO directly but had no luck. I was wondering if there’s anyone here that could point me in the right direction for this data.

I’ve spent a lot of time looking myself and even my advisor has tried to help but with no real success. I would really appreciate any help.

UPDATE: I ended up finding a work around that got me the information I needed.

UPDATE 2: The work around I used involved the way I scrapped the data from CAISO using their API. There’s an aspect of it called grp_type and originally I used grp_type=ALL_APNODES to request my data which returned only the APNodes. Instead I used grp_type=ALL which returns the nodes that can be found on their price map as well as the APNodes. I then used the following github (https://github.com/emunsing/CAISO-Scrapers/tree/master/LMP%20Location%20Scraper) where someone had scrapped the lat/longs of those nodes from the CAISO price map. I then used VLOOKUP in excel to match the nodes returned in my API request to the list of nodes and their lat/longs found in the github. The github is 10 years old, however it still seemed to match decently to the nodes I pulled. This resulted in me getting locations for about 2100 nodes which was enough for my purposes.

Source: Remmps


  1. I think I was dealing with a similar issue last year, and someone helped me figure it out:

    Go to oasis.caiso.com

    In the top bar, go to Prices -> Energy Prices -> Locational Marginal Prices. This covers day-ahead hourly prices – if you want real-time 5-minute prices you’ll need to go to Interval LMPs.

    Select your Date From and Date To. The selected date range can’t be longer than 31 days, so if you want a full year+ of data, you’ll need to download it one month at a time and then stitch them together (I wrote an R script to do this a while ago).

    Click on Node, and then start typing in “TH_”. I don’t know what that stands for, but it should jump down to the APnode options (ex. TH_NP15_GEN-APND). CAISO has 3 congestion zones: NP15, SP15, and ZP26. My understanding is that Pass 15 is a transmission line that’s frequently congested, so the prices North and South of that line tend to cluster together. Something similar happens with the ZP26 region, which seems to cover the Los Angeles load pocket.

    The website is pretty old and can be tough to work with, but you should be able to download zip files with the data you need. It might be possible to use https://www.gridstatus.io/datasets/caiso_lmp_day_ahead_hourly, or some other service that is repackaging the CAISO data.

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